Module botlabspy.API

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import requests

class API:
    token = None
    bot_id = None
    url = None

    def __init__(self, bot_id: int, token: str = None):
        :param bot_id: The Bot ID of the bot.
        :param token: The API token. You can get this token from{bot_id}/manage, This can be None
        self.bot_id = bot_id
        self.TOKEN = token
        self.url = f'{self.bot_id}'

    def _bot_info(self):
        :return: Returns the json file from the API.
        r = requests.get(self.url + str(self.bot_id))
        data = r.json()
        return data

    def _error(data):
        :param data: A json file.
        :return: True if there is an error False if not.
        if data['error'] is 'true':
            return True
            return False

    def _error_message(self, data):
        if self._error(data):
            return data['message']
            raise TypeError('Requested error message when there where no errors.')

    def _get_key(self, data, key):
        if self._error(data):
            return data[key]

    # Get requests
    def get_name(self):
        :return: The Bot's name.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'name')

    def get_avatar(self):
        :return: The Bot's avatar URL.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'avatar')

    def get_short_description(self):
        :return: The short description of the Bot.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'sdescription')

    def get_long_description(self):
        :return: The long description of the bot.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'ldescription')

    def get_votes(self):
        :return: The amount of votes a bot has
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'votes')

    def get_server_count(self):
        :return: The amount of servers the bot is in. Must be set using `API.set_server_count`
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'server_count')

    def get_shard_count(self):
        :return: The amount of shards the bot has. Must be set using `API.set_shard_count`
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'shard_count')

    # Post requests
    def set_server_count(self, server_count: str):
        :param server_count: The total server your bot is in.
        :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @
        if self.token is None:
            raise AttributeError('Missing bot token.')
        data = {
            'token': self.token,
            'server_count': server_count
        r = + '/stats', data=data)
        return r

    def set_shard_count(self, shard_count: str):
        :param shard_count: The total shards your bot has.
        :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @
        if self.token is None:
            raise AttributeError('Missing bot token.')
        data = {
            'token': self.token,
            'shard_count': shard_count
        r = + '/stats', data=data)
        return r


class API (bot_id: int, token: str = None)

:param bot_id: The Bot ID of the bot. :param token: The API token. You can get this token from{bot_id}/manage, This can be None

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class API:
    token = None
    bot_id = None
    url = None

    def __init__(self, bot_id: int, token: str = None):
        :param bot_id: The Bot ID of the bot.
        :param token: The API token. You can get this token from{bot_id}/manage, This can be None
        self.bot_id = bot_id
        self.TOKEN = token
        self.url = f'{self.bot_id}'

    def _bot_info(self):
        :return: Returns the json file from the API.
        r = requests.get(self.url + str(self.bot_id))
        data = r.json()
        return data

    def _error(data):
        :param data: A json file.
        :return: True if there is an error False if not.
        if data['error'] is 'true':
            return True
            return False

    def _error_message(self, data):
        if self._error(data):
            return data['message']
            raise TypeError('Requested error message when there where no errors.')

    def _get_key(self, data, key):
        if self._error(data):
            return data[key]

    # Get requests
    def get_name(self):
        :return: The Bot's name.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'name')

    def get_avatar(self):
        :return: The Bot's avatar URL.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'avatar')

    def get_short_description(self):
        :return: The short description of the Bot.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'sdescription')

    def get_long_description(self):
        :return: The long description of the bot.
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'ldescription')

    def get_votes(self):
        :return: The amount of votes a bot has
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'votes')

    def get_server_count(self):
        :return: The amount of servers the bot is in. Must be set using `API.set_server_count`
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'server_count')

    def get_shard_count(self):
        :return: The amount of shards the bot has. Must be set using `API.set_shard_count`
        data = self._bot_info()
        return self._get_key(data, 'shard_count')

    # Post requests
    def set_server_count(self, server_count: str):
        :param server_count: The total server your bot is in.
        :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @
        if self.token is None:
            raise AttributeError('Missing bot token.')
        data = {
            'token': self.token,
            'server_count': server_count
        r = + '/stats', data=data)
        return r

    def set_shard_count(self, shard_count: str):
        :param shard_count: The total shards your bot has.
        :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @
        if self.token is None:
            raise AttributeError('Missing bot token.')
        data = {
            'token': self.token,
            'shard_count': shard_count
        r = + '/stats', data=data)
        return r

Class variables

var bot_id
var token
var url


def get_avatar(self)

:return: The Bot's avatar URL.

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def get_avatar(self):
    :return: The Bot's avatar URL.
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'avatar')
def get_long_description(self)

:return: The long description of the bot.

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def get_long_description(self):
    :return: The long description of the bot.
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'ldescription')
def get_name(self)

:return: The Bot's name.

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def get_name(self):
    :return: The Bot's name.
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'name')
def get_server_count(self)

:return: The amount of servers the bot is in. Must be set using API.set_server_count()

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def get_server_count(self):
    :return: The amount of servers the bot is in. Must be set using `API.set_server_count`
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'server_count')
def get_shard_count(self)

:return: The amount of shards the bot has. Must be set using API.set_shard_count()

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def get_shard_count(self):
    :return: The amount of shards the bot has. Must be set using `API.set_shard_count`
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'shard_count')
def get_short_description(self)

:return: The short description of the Bot.

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def get_short_description(self):
    :return: The short description of the Bot.
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'sdescription')
def get_votes(self)

:return: The amount of votes a bot has

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def get_votes(self):
    :return: The amount of votes a bot has
    data = self._bot_info()
    return self._get_key(data, 'votes')
def set_server_count(self, server_count: str)

:param server_count: The total server your bot is in. :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @

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def set_server_count(self, server_count: str):
    :param server_count: The total server your bot is in.
    :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @
    if self.token is None:
        raise AttributeError('Missing bot token.')
    data = {
        'token': self.token,
        'server_count': server_count
    r = + '/stats', data=data)
    return r
def set_shard_count(self, shard_count: str)

:param shard_count: The total shards your bot has. :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @

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def set_shard_count(self, shard_count: str):
    :param shard_count: The total shards your bot has.
    :return: A response, use .status_code to see the status code that the POST request returned. Read more @
    if self.token is None:
        raise AttributeError('Missing bot token.')
    data = {
        'token': self.token,
        'shard_count': shard_count
    r = + '/stats', data=data)
    return r